Twenty Mind-Bending Secrets About Bitcoin

This article will introduce some of bitcoin’s Mind-Bending amazing abilities only few people know. As you read this list, remember your favorite so can impress your friends with your new incredible bitcoin knowledge.   1.  Fun with programmable money     Bitcoin wallets are like personal debit cards that you can create and assign yourself to store your bitcoin.…


Putting the Blockchain to Work For Science!

Buried beneath the myriad of indistinguishable pump-and-dump altcoins, every now and then a cryptocurrency is born that truly revolutionizes the field. While this doesn’t necessarily obsolete Bitcoin–the protocol can be upgraded at any time–it’s important to examine these new coins in order to keep up the pace of innovation. Take Gridcoin, for example. Some background:…


BloomNation – Disrupting the Flower Industry

Businesses that accept Bitcoin are blooming up everywhere. Sometimes it can irk me that some businesses accept Bitcoin but do nothing to promote it; however, this is not the case for the co-founders of the budding flower marketplace, I spoke with two of the co-founders, Farbod Shoraka & David Daneshgar; unfortunately their other co-founder,…


Bitcoin 2014 Roundup

Well I attended Bitcoin 2014 in Amsterdam and it was a blast. I met lots of people who I’ve been emailing/skyping with over the last six months so that’s always fun. The conference had a few keynote talks for all and all the rest was broken out into four parallel tracks, which is always annoying…


Inside Bitcoins Conference Heads to Asia

As Bitcoin is becoming a household name around the world, the Inside Bitcoins Conference series is hosting conferences around the world with the next stop in Hong Kong on June 24-25. Mediabistro issued the following press release: Inside Bitcoins Conference Heads to Hong Kong to Demystify the Myths and Spur Wider Adoption of Bitcoin Across Asia…
