At PettaMiner™, our goal is to make the process of mining for Bitcoins & Altcoins simple, scalable and cost effective for our clients.
PettaMiner™ is an ambitious, fast growing software and hardware engineering company focused on delivering high quality and reliable Bitcoin / SHA-256 mining hardwares.
PettaMiner™ provide everyone with the possibility to generate and “mine” bitcoins from their home or warehouse. But not just bitcoins, with our miners you can mine more than 50% of the digital currencies (SHA-256) on the market. And all of those currencies, convert into dollars via exchanges or your bitcoin wallet.
Our development team have a hands on approach and a proven track record of generating and implementing solutions. We undertake a variety of projects which helps us creating a rewarding place for our family of developers while delivering fair profits to the company.
As of June 2014 we operate three cloud mining farms, that are located, 2 farms in Hong Kong, 1 in China.
We are fully incorporated under the Companies Registry as a private company. Company Number: 26471298, HK registration number 35261896-000.