Take a Walk Down Bitcoin Boulevard

We often imagine a world where we can walk down the street and be able to pay using virtual currency everywhere we go. For a small suburb outside of Cleveland, Ohio, this is becoming a reality. Located in the Cedar and Lee district and just ten minutes outside of downtown Cleveland is what will soon…


Let’s Talk Libbitcoin

Bitcoin’s protocol is open source. So is its narrative. The story and the code evolve. We all contribute. Each pulls in a direction. Themes emerge: engage or disengage with regulators, build for anonymity or transparency, embrace or shun agorist beginnings. There is no one way, just individual frames-of-reference. Bitcoin is greater than the sum of…


Money as a Competitive Good

Bitcoin has re-introduced the idea of money as a competitive good. It has done so in a meaningful way. This idea has been conspicuously missing from the economic debate for too long. I, for one, am pleased to welcome it back. We’ve always had competitive ‘private’ monies, centrally managed and lacking global reach. A current…
