Bitcoin 2014: Building the Digital Payments-network (reflections on a million-dollar conference)

A Dutch version of this article originally appeared on Coincourant. “The reason I am so committed to Bitcoin and crypto, is that crypto can solve the problem that centralized organizations present to society.” Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne’s fiery opening speech at Bitcoin 2014 is geared straight at the libertarian spirit of Bitcoin-hardliners. In his philosophical…


The Montreal Economic Institute Addresses Bitcoin

The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has released an economic note on the state of Bitcoin regulation in Canada and around the world. The MEI is an independent research and education organization which, according to their website, “stimulates debate on public policies in Quebec and across Canada by proposing wealth-creating reforms based on market mechanisms.” In…


Bitcoin in Botswana

Africa is often touted as the region most likely to benefit from Bitcoin. However, for the most part, the technology has yet to take off in any meaningful way. A recent survey by mobile platform Jana interviewed 1,800 people across 9 emerging markets. This included respondents from Africa’s leading market, South Africa. Of the survey…


Tax and Bitcoin in Australia

Bitcoin adoption is increasing globally. Global jurisdictions are working through the tax implications for business and consumers. In Australia the local Bitcoin Association (BAA) is currently working with the relevant authorities, exploring the tax outcomes which are most appropriate. The following represents a summary of the full position paper prepared by the BAA for presentation…


Live Brainstorm on Reddit

We are currently printing Issue 21 and for one issue we’ll be changing gears and brainstorming a reddit themed issue live on reddit. The issue will have stories that introduce reddit to those who aren’t familiar with the site, talk about the Bitcoin subreddit’s influence on Bitcoin, and much more. We’ve gotten a great response from…
